
Library of Oracle EBS SQLs for operational Excel and ECC reporting, Discoverer replacement, Oracle EBS performance tuning and rapid report development.

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CAC WIP Material Usage with Configuration and Lot Variances


Report your material usage variances for your open and closed WIP jobs. If the job is open the Report Type column displays “Valuation” as this WIP job and potential material usage variance is still in your WIP inventory balances. If the job has been closed during the reporting period, the Report Type column displays “Variance” as this WIP job was written off on a WIP Job Close Variance transaction. You can report prior periods and this report will automatically adjust the assembly completion quantities and component issue quantities to reflect the quantities for the specified accounting period, as well as report only jobs which were open or closed during that prior period.

Closed, Pending Close, Cancelled, Complete and Complete No Charges WIP job statuses use the completion quantities. All other WIP jobs use the parameter “Use Completion Quantities”. And if you use Standard Costing, for standard discrete jobs this report also shows your configuration variances; the difference between your WIP BOM and your primary or standard BOM. Non-standard jobs usually do not have configuration variances, as they are “non-standard” without standard BOM requirements.


Report Option: Open jobs, Closed jobs or All jobs. Use this to limit the size of the report. (mandatory) Period Name: the accounting period you wish to report. (mandatory) Cost Type: defaults to your Costing Method; if the cost type is missing component costs the report will find any missing item costs from your Costing Method cost type. (optional) Include Scrap Quantities: for calculating your completion quantities and component quantity requirements, include or exclude any scrapped assembly quantities. (mandatory) Include Unreleased Jobs: include jobs which have not been released and are not started. (mandatory) Include Bulk Supply Items: include Bulk items to match the results from the Oracle Discrete Job Value Report; exclude knowing that Bulk items are usually not issued to the WIP job. (mandatory) Use Completion Qtys: for jobs in a released status, use the completion quantities for the material usage and configuration variance calculations. Useful if you backflush your materials based on your completion quantities. Complete, Complete - No Charges, Cancelled, Closed, Pending Close or Failed Close alway use the completion quantities in the variance calculations. (mandatory) Config/Lot Variances for Non-Std: calculate configuration and lot variances for non-standard jobs. Include Unimplemented ECOs: include future BOMs changes. (mandatory) Alternate BOM Designator: if you save your BOMs during your Cost Rollups (based on your Cost Type step ups), use this parameter to get the correct BOMs for the configuration variance calculations. If you leave this field blank the report uses the latest BOM component effectivity date up to the period close date. (optional) Category Set 1: any item category you wish (optional). Category Set 2: any item category you wish (optional). Class Code: specific type of WIP class to report (optional). Job Status: specific WIP job status (optional). WIP Job: specific WIP job (optional). Assembly Number: specific assembly number you wish to report (optional) Component Number: specific component item you wish to report (optional) Organization Code: specific inventory organization, defaults to your session’s inventory organization (optional).

Copyright 2009 - 2022 Douglas Volz Consulting, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Version Modified on Modified by Description
======= =========== =============== =========================================
1.0 12 Oct 2020 Douglas Volz Initial Coding Based on ICP WIP Component Var and ICP WIP
Component Valuation
1.31 12 Oct 2022 Douglas Volz Fix divide by zero error with the start quantity.
======= =========== =============== =========================================


Report Option, Period Name, Cost Type, Include Scrap Quantities, Include Unreleased Jobs, Include Bulk Supply Items, Use Completion Quantities, Config/Lot Variances for Non-Std, Include Unimplemented ECOs, Alternate BOM Designator, Category Set 1, Category Set 2, Category Set 3, Organization Code, Class Code, Job Status, WIP Job, Component Number, Assembly Number, Operating Unit, Ledger

Used tables

wip_discrete_jobs, org_acct_periods, mtl_parameters, wip_accounting_classes, mtl_system_items_vl, org_access_view, wdj0, mtl_material_transactions, wdj, cst_item_costs, cst_item_cost_details, cst_cost_types, wdj_assys, dual




If you would like to try one of these Oracle EBS SQLs without having Blitz Report installed, note that some of the reports require functions from utility package xxen_util.

Example Report

CAC WIP Material Usage with Configuration and Lot Variances 11-Oct-2022 233620.xlsx

Report SQL

Blitz Report™ import options


Oracle E-Business Suite Reporting Library

We provide an open source Oracle EBS SQLs as a part of operational and project implementation support toolkits for rapid Excel reports generation.

Blitz Report™ is based on Oracle EBS forms technology, and hence requires minimal training. There are no data or performance limitations since the output files are created directly from the database without going through intermediate file formats such as XML.

Blitz Report can be used as BI Publisher and Oracle Discoverer replacement tool. Standard Oracle BI Publisher and Discoverer reports can also be imported into Blitz Report for immediate output to Excel. Typically, reports can be created and version tracked within hours instead of days. The concurrent request output automatically opens upon completion without the need for re-formatting.

The Filters, Columns, Rows and Values fields are used to create and deliver the data in pivot table format with full drill down to details.

Blitz Report Pivots

The Excel template upload functionality in Blitz Report allows users to create their own layouts by uploading an Excel template with additional sheets and charts, automatically refreshed when the report runs again. This allows to create custom dashboards and more advanced visualizations of report data.

Blitz Report Dashboard

You can download and use Blitz Report free of charge for your first 30 reports.

The installation and implementation process usually takes less than 1 hour; you can refer to our installation and user guides for specific details.

If you would like to optimize your Oracle EBS implementation and or operational reporting you can visit to review great ideas and example usage in blog. Or why not try for yourself in our demo environment.

AlertCRM Foundation
Contracts CoreLease and Finance Management
PaymentsProcess Manufacturing
Process Manufacturing InventoryPublic Sector Financials
Shipping ExecutionXML Publisher
CapacityLegal Entity Configurator
ProjectsService Contracts
Applications DBAEnterprise Asset Management
Installed BasePayroll
Subledger AccountingWorkflow
Advanced PricingEnterprise Command Center
Bills of MaterialE-Business Tax
Property ManagerAdvanced Supply Chain Planning
Work in ProcessHuman Resources
Master Scheduling/MRPOrder Management
Cash ManagementCost Management
General LedgerPayables
Blitz ReportInventory
Database AdministrationApplication Object Library

Useful Links

Blitz Report™ – World’s fastest reporting and data upload for Oracle EBS

Oracle Discoverer replacement – importing worksheets into Blitz Report™

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Supply Chain Hub by Blitz Report™

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Oracle EBS Reporting Blog

Oracle EBS Reporting

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