Library of Oracle EBS SQLs for operational Excel and ECC reporting, Discoverer replacement, Oracle EBS performance tuning and rapid report development.
Discoverer folders, business areas and items. Columns ‘Access Count’ and ‘Last Accessed’ shows how many times a folder was accessed by a worksheet within the past x days. Parameter ‘Show Active Only’ restricts to folders which have been accessed by worksheet executions within the past x days.
Business Area, Folder, Folder Identifier, Folder Type, View Name, Object Id, Used by Workbook, Item, Item Type, Access Count within x Days, Show Active only, Show Items, Show Object SQL, End User Layer
dba_views, “_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ”, view$, user$, eul5_objs, eul5_expressions, eul5_domains, eul5_qpp_stats, table
DIS Workbooks, Folders, Items and LOVs
If you would like to try one of these Oracle EBS SQLs without having Blitz Report installed, note that some of the reports require functions from utility package xxen_util.
DIS Folders, Business Areas, Items and LOVs 29-Jul-2020 141156.xlsx
We provide an open source Oracle EBS SQLs as a part of operational and project implementation support toolkits for rapid Excel reports generation.
Blitz Report™ is based on Oracle EBS forms technology, and hence requires minimal training. There are no data or performance limitations since the output files are created directly from the database without going through intermediate file formats such as XML.
Blitz Report can be used as BI Publisher and Oracle Discoverer replacement tool. Standard Oracle BI Publisher and Discoverer reports can also be imported into Blitz Report for immediate output to Excel. Typically, reports can be created and version tracked within hours instead of days. The concurrent request output automatically opens upon completion without the need for re-formatting.
The Filters, Columns, Rows and Values fields are used to create and deliver the data in pivot table format with full drill down to details.
The Excel template upload functionality in Blitz Report allows users to create their own layouts by uploading an Excel template with additional sheets and charts, automatically refreshed when the report runs again. This allows to create custom dashboards and more advanced visualizations of report data.
You can download and use Blitz Report free of charge for your first 30 reports.
The installation and implementation process usually takes less than 1 hour; you can refer to our installation and user guides for specific details.
If you would like to optimize your Oracle EBS implementation and or operational reporting you can visit to review great ideas and example usage in blog. Or why not try for yourself in our demo environment.
Useful Links
Blitz Report™ – World’s fastest reporting and data upload for Oracle EBS
Oracle Discoverer replacement – importing worksheets into Blitz Report™
Blitz Report™ Questions & Answers
Supply Chain Hub by Blitz Report™
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